My husbands case has zero progress seems like the asylum office is treating it differently no receipt yet since 2015 when he applied ( there was a ransom issue in his case so maybe thats the reason like you mentioned above?) 3) Can i have a work gc and still keep my asylum status until i become a citizen through asylum if work GC does not qualify me for citizenship We are thinking to go directly to Asylum office to make an inquiry. While an RFE is one of the most common reasons the USCIS takes long to make a decision, there are still other reasons which could apply. Soon youll have your loan offer. At the end of the interview, you can (politely) ask the AO about the time frame for a decision. that would provide these asylum seekers with a hearing before USCIS asylum officers. I have always been asking for independent audits of these offices and government bureaucrats. There are over 220 Immigration Judges spread out over 60 Immigration Courts nationwide. Maybe you also want to try a Freedom of Information Act request to see whether you can get a copy of the file, but hopefully, inquiring again by email or in-person will help, as a FOIA takes months (there is a link under Resources called FOIA USCIS that may help). During FY 2020 I agree with my colleague. I've read that a high number of staff are put on performance improvement plans - should this apply to me, would it impact my chances for progression? However, with the continuing partial court shutdown during the COVID-19 pandemic, there has They sometimes ask the wife/husband for another interview. I tried to expedite, send inquiry for outside processing time but no luck yet. seeker's case. Jason, I became really worried after reading your post on June 24, 2016. . Have you ever seen anyone with referral recently? Nick, Merry Christmas! represented asylum seekers in Figure 5 largely mirror the overall trends displayed earlier in Inside a tent near the Rio Grande in Matamorros, Mexico, Jeyson woke up every day for a month before 3 a.m. to fill out applications to request asylum for his family of four through a U.S . seekers in defensive cases were never detained, while fully 98 percent were never detained in Sometimes the final naturalization decision can still be delayed even if the USCIS provides an update in 120 days. filings, and will document the growing backlog of Immigration Court asylum cases. Now after 7 years I have no longer status IN ANY ANOTHER Country. Unfortunately, sometimes the sheer volume of work cannot be handled by their limited capacity. for an announcement for their release in the coming weeks. If you want to arrange a consul, you can email me at [email protected]. 5 August 2021. This clearly was a vital factor in improving overall asylum success On the other hand, it may be nothing. Asylum seekers who are detained face a myriad of disadvantages when seeking asylum. The Home Office paused face-to-face substantive asylum interviews for three months during the Covid lockdown, but have now started interviews again. I am so mentally stressed. We had our asylum interview on December 01,2021, I checked every day for USCIS ststus. I guess you can email the asylum office to ask you can find their email if you follow the link under Resources called Asylum Office Locator. Do you think that could be the case? I am an applicant waiting for a decision from Chicago after 2 years of interview. If you are not healthcare worker, you can still try to expedite, but it is more difficult. Between 2017 and 2018 alone, the average United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) processing time rose by 19% despite the overall number of cases received declining by 13%. Expressed another way, success rates count all decisions rendered on the merits of asylum seekers' claims. If the case of the mother got resolved after 5 years, would the girl age be locked to the age when the mother applied for asylum. If you are concerned or unsure about your cases status and want to know precisely why the USCIS is taking so long, check the status of your case and most recent updates online on the my USCIS Case Status Search page. And so even though inquires to the Asylum Office are rarely helpful, there are reasons to try. At one time the majority of asylum applications decided by Immigration Judges were affirmative 2) Do you still qualify for citizenship after 5yrs with an employment GC If you have any evidence of these issues, such as rejection letters from potential employers, you can include those as evidence. Maybe try again, sorry, Jason, Thanks for sharing your time frame. Why Does it Take So Long for USCIS to Make a Decision? I ask this question not because I think we will get an answerthe Officers almost always indicate that they do not know (this is because they do not control the entire process and have to wait for security background checks and supervisor approval). Thus, examining success rates for asylum seekers in affirmative cases largely reflects the fact These statistics Sometimes you will find the USCIS claims your post-interview naturalization case is stuck. Archives 2021 Processing times and taken decisions on time per asylum track 2.pdf a decision to detain, or giving directions for removal, or the refusal to treat further submissions as a fresh claim (subsequent asylum application), or a decision to remove to a . Thanks, It is not implemented and it probably will not apply to asylum pending EADs, but we shall see. Asylum Approval: May 2019 If you are still in danger, you should get evidence about that maybe there are recent human rights or news articles that are relevant to why you still face harm in your country. In the event, it decides to grant Strahd asylum in July 2022. seeker. The partial government shutdown began in mid- I do not think they will tell you, but you can ask. It may take longer if. Do you think my case is being held for TRIG issues as well? I wrote a letter to embassy officer and it worked. In Trumps America, Are Asylum Seekers at Risk of Arrest? and expanded web query tool available here. Big and small achievements count . Similarly, if an alien asks to amend or supplement his or her asylum application, fails to appear at an asylum office to receive and acknowledge receipt of the decision, requests an extension after the asylum interview, or reschedules an asylum interview, all of these actions will stop the 180-day Asylum EAD Clock, and the EAD clock will not . For example, in a naturalization application, you can apply for judicial review of your naturalization application in a U.S. Federal District Court. considerable pressure, the EOIR finally appeared to have fixed the most glaring errors (read data and in this report.,, Book Review: AsylumA Memoir & Manifesto by Edafe Okporo, Crime and Asylum: A Guide for the Perp-plexed, Confusing New Rule Seems to Allow Asylees to Get Their Green Cards More Quickly. He previously suffered a heart attack, and his doctor believes that resolution of this matter would reduce his stress level and improve his health (see attached letter). Are you a criminal? And we added to expedited list in september 2020. What will happen at the third interview? They consider coming to the US via Mexico and turning themselves in under Humanitarian parole (they dont have travel visas). Please let me know. 1 I only have one case where the person has waited that long after the interview and he did not want to file a mandamus, so I do not have an example of that. In that case, it was pretty obvious (he paid ransom to kidnappers). Anywhere from 3 or 4 months to 7+ years. Anyway, it is not within your control, and unless the rules change, they will provide an interpreter for her. Forty Members of Congress recently wrote a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and USCIS Director Ur Jaddou expressing concern about the affirmative asylum backlog, which as of April. You act like a Pro Bono, may God bless you. An ebb and flow of asylum seekers has been experienced over the past two decades with certain My EAD extension as well as my driver license will be expired in 9 days. I applied for Asylum in 2019 and till now I have not heard anything. I applied in 2014(Arlington office ) So, we gave it a try and asked my parents to apply for tourist visa and come here visit us. If not, I guess you can try to call: 800-375-5283. Sometimes, if you have a letter from the (potential) employer, that can help with expediting. Immigration Court Asylum Decisions, FY 2001 - FY 2021, Figure 2. . Take care, Jason, yes he is independent in my case and included we asked him all these questions during my interview and now we are giving him an interview too, He should review the whole case and be prepared to discuss everything. I had my asylum interview January, 2017 and still waiting fir my decision. Thanks, No worries, I overlooked this comment until just now. Unfortunately, there isnt a quick answer, but if you know what is causing the delay, you can take steps to move the obstacles out of the way. We have waited more than 5 months to get the approval letter. applications are approved or denied on the authority of an Immigration Judge's individual We are getting approvals now and again in my office, but mostly, we are waiting forever for decisions, so I do not have much sense about whether grant rates are changing. Also, a new edition of the report The wait time is not predictable, but you can call the court and try to talk to the judges clerk. For this, Id probably get a lawyer to review the case. The same is sometimes true if you intend to seek help from your Congress person or Senator. Direct measures are obviously not available for the underlying strength of each asylum They just need to update the information. I wait for one months, still no news. Now you may wait 1 week to 3 months for them to complete the process. Here, well discuss what to do when your case has been interviewed, but the decision is delayed. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The sooner you provide the information, the sooner you will have a final decision. However, over the past few months, it seems they are putting cases that have been expedited on a short list. In the 1,557 cases decided from May through December 2021 in which judges ordered asylum seekers deported, 4.7 percent had legal representation. In addition, TRAC is working on two brand new asylum tools. Soon, the automatic extension will increase to one year (it is currently 180 days, and so if she filed to renew, her old card should be extended by 180 days maybe this is what is expiring? In my application I stated my uncle (affiliated with IRGC and Islamic Revolutionary Committee in 1979) as a person who has controlled/abused my family in the past and stated him as a potential threat to me in the future if I return home. The next step after the asylum interview is a . Thus, this sharp drop in the number of asylum decisions With your humble support and sharing all you know over and over again even expecting no monetary return, Thank you. Also, if these are government soldiers, they are probably not terrorists (at least in the technical, legal sense) and so maybe there is an argument to be made, but I suspect this argument will need to be made in court. How Do I Know Which USCIS Service Center? My feeling is that even if it's a very stressful experience it may be worth sticking it out for the probationary period and then looking for other options, even if it's a sidestep rather than a promotion - but it would be reassuring for someone to sense check this with me. compared with defensive asylum cases. It synthesizes data How Do I Know If USCIS Received My Application? I said they had beaten me multiple times and even one time they were forcing me to kill myself due to my misbehavior. But of course, you want your case to become unstuck. Just throwing it out there: I think it would be nice if you looked into functionality to allow for encrypted messages to you. Take care, Jason. removal[1]. Immigration Court Asylum Denial Rates Higher for Not Represented, FY 2021 - FY 2021, Figure 6. Hi Sambod, I am not Jason. Both affirmative and defensive asylum applications in the Immigration Courts are included in the We added to short list in 2018 or 2019 im not sure. Most new cases are still not being interviewed, though as Covid restrictions lift, that may change. But this is not always the case. Take care, Jason, I was interviewed twice in 2017 for my asylum case. even though the actual number of decisions in affirmative cases also actually fell as a result of Thank you, Almost all GC applications based on asylum are very slow, and so it may not be related to your case, but to USCIS processing delays. That is ridiculous! If we go with the mandamus and lose in court what will happen? However, you would still be eligible for a Refugee Travel Document, since you had asylum at one time. I do not know other comments seem to be working. Thanks all . If a mother in USA applied for asylum has daughter 20 years old but still overseas. whole host of difficulties for preparing and presenting their cases effectively. to 81 percent in FY 2020. Denial rates stabilized for a while at this point, and then began The USCIS can still deny your application or require it to continue and request further evidence. Actually I dont have a lawyer, I was doing by myself. JDzubow(at) In other words, you have to show that you tried to resolve your case in a normal way before the Ombudsman will assist you. Take care, Jason. JASON thank you for your help to us, asylum seekers. The OFPRA Decision of 2 July 2019 allows for the possibility of providing further comments or documents after the interview, within a reasonable time-limit not hampering the taking of the decision. My question is can we file mandamus lawsuit? While the percent of immigrants who were denied asylum went up each year during the Trump administration to a high of 71 percent in FY 2020, they fell to 63 percent in FY 2021. asylum denial rate had dropped to 53 percent. Otherwise, she can try to expedite in the normal way I wrote about that on January 29, 2020. 1. 2. From that point on, he has the right to work because of his refugee status. Take care, Jason, Sorry let me add this to the above list: Thanks, I would think they would be happy to get rid of a case, but I do not know what else you can do aside from email them. Message. For more information, please see our This guide goes over those factors, plus what to do if a decision cannot be made on your citizenship interview. Some judges are faster than others, but I imagine it wont be too much longer. If you are seeking asylum through the Asylum Merits Interview process with USCIS after a positive credible fear determination, visit our Asylum Merits Interview with USCIS: Processing After a Positive Credible Fear Determination page for information on how to prepare for your Asylum Merits Interview. (October 2016-December 2016) of the Obama administration, asylum denial rates were 56 custody status. 1. Take care, Jason. more here), but has since refused to take further action. Best for all If you get a GC based on asylum or a job, your status changes from asylee to GC. See Figure 2. This was true Jason Dzubow, Esq. All of the numbers summarized in this report, and much more, can be obtained from this updated Asylum Interview Interpreter Requirement Modification Due to COVID-19 . I dont get you people who dont spend money on attorneys when it comes to your future in this country. While asylum denial rates had grown ever higher during the Trump years to a peak of affirmative cases referred by USCIS. USCIS is a mess and if you do that, they may lose it. Hello Jason, You think I can send them now ? or will the judge make the decision positively or negatively? Also, normally, the first EAD is pretty fast and so hopefully you will get it soon, even if you cannot expedite. EO Asylum Decision Maker Interview Anonymous Employee Accepted Offer Neutral Experience Difficult Interview Application I applied online. Stay strong you still have chance at the court but see what mistakes you did in the interview and try to fix it! Recently I expressed the psychological pressure I am under and requested a decision. asylum. No I didnt submitted the medical with initial application but they have asked it now. 2) If they leave the US when/if conditions in Ukraine improve, would it create an issue for them to come back to the US in the future? Immigration Court Affirmative vs Defensive Asylum Grants, FY 2001 - FY 2021, Figure 5. My ead renewal has been pending since July 6 2021. I think the best bet is to try to expedite and request to skip the MCH and go directly to an individual hearing, as discussed in that article. before the government shutdown. I wrote about expediting on March 31, 2017. I am the attorney of record for the above-listed case, which your office had graciously agreed to expedite (see attached). consistently declining after 2008 until bottoming out during FY 2016 with fewer than one in five reflected in the latest available Court data. Does also in your clients case, the USCIS still says the case is pending security background checks? How long can you expect a decision? While being held in custody by ICE is relatively unusual in affirmative cases, it is more common I had applied for asylum based gc in dec 2021 and today received a letter for medical My name is Zk and I have an unresolved N-400 application for citizenship. I am the attorney of record for the above-listed case. If USCIS puts someones case on hold for TRIG, when an applicant inquires about the case, shouldnt USCIS tell the person that their case is on-hold? Sometimes i fee the biden administration just will accept anyone and thats dangerous! Normally at the asylum interview, I try to ask the Officer whether they have any idea about how long we will wait for the decision. Note that the subject line of each email contains what we want (an expedited decision) and the asylum seekers name, Alien number, date of birth, and country, Subject: Request to Expedite Decision Gippy GLYNSKI, A 314-159-926, DOB 10/31/1950, Nigeria, Dear ZAR Thanks, We never send the medical without getting an RFE. rationale for ICE's decision to detain someone (such as criminal history) may also factor Alternatively, if these errors might cause USCIS to think you are lying about something or might cause the case to be denied, you can mail them to USCIS (or upload them to the portal if you have a USCIS account). I do not think it will make much difference, but maybe. I would encourage you to file a mandamus lawsuit, assuming you have tried other avenues. Can you please let us know whether there are any updates for this case? Take care and you too Jason take care. Moreover, the I think you are referring to prosecutorial discretion, where the ICE attorney agrees to stop prosecuting the case and so the case would either be administratively closed or terminated. What I do to prep is go through each of the behaviours and think of an example for each. I would continue following up and if there is nothing after some time, you might consider a mandamus lawsuit. Immigration Court Representation Rates in Affirmative vs Defensive Asylum Cases, FY 2001 - FY 2021, Figure 7. Lets just wait and be positive. Anyway, that is at least how you do it. This would be enough.. .beside you may also try ombustman, then court, I do not think moving will help, at least not for you Chicago has to make the decision since they interviewed you. Have been here for more than 10 years, 1.Am I eligible for cancellation of removal in case my asylum rejected again? While the unrepresented were many fewer in FY 2021, denial rates for this remaining small I havent seen my parents/ siblings in 7 years and Im really depressed about that , Also what if we drop my husbands case and keep mine only is there a chance theyll give us a decision or is that not a good idea, It is strange to me that he does not have a receipt. If you have any questions, send us an email at [emailprotected]. You will still have to think on your feet but it gives you something to do while you prep. Again, this will depend on the type of application you are making. granted relief during FY 2020. Starting in 2003, a declining number of affirmative I did a post on June 2, 2021 discussing that and some other ideas for dealing with delay. The Immigration Judge reviews the asylum claim anew; the judge does not have to defer to the government's previous decision. There is no way to tell but since you applied after 2018, you'll most likely get your decision no longer than 1 year after your interview. I would think so. This is no longer the case. Can You Do Anything to Speed the Decision Up? I applied at the Same month like you. applications. Historically, asylum seekers have had greater success in the Immigration Court for affirmative as To do this, you would have to file a motion in your Federal District Court. Which court i also requested my attorney to submit advance motion to Master hearing to get final date in NJ. Also, new policies at the USCIS often add restrictions to the different immigration applications, which adds work for the USCIS and, as a result, extends processing time. It's Asylum work, so you may read some pretty heart wrenching things on cases. There are a few types of Asylum decisions: Grant of Asylum (the applicant and his/her family members who are in the USA and were included in the applicant's case receive Asylee status). I see many approvals recently which makes me feel the USCIS aint seriously investigating the cases right? also experienced large shifts as different presidential administrations assumed office. . It does not, unfortunately. Since then, denial rates rose again. Hello Jason, Take care, Jason. asylum decisions had fallen to under 2,000. Specifically, TRAC's free information tool now But nothing is happening. I just recently got married to a USA citizen and we have a child, will this affect my case? These trends are shown in Figure 3. most of this period, climbing from 71 percent during FY 2001 to 89 percent during FY 2013. Can you please let us know whether there are any updates for this case? On 8th of December 2021, I finished the asylum interview at Arlington office. In my own practice, I generally will not inquire about a delayed decision until at least 90 days after the interview. How long do I have to wait for a decision . Please make sure to keep a good copy of all the documents you submit. Fact Sheet: U.S. Asylum Process. I applied for asylum in 2016 through the Chicago office and have not had an interview since. In sheer numbers, this was only about half the number of asylum seekers who had been First, maybe they will actually do some good. 3 Supposedly, they are writing regulations to address the issue, but that has been ongoing for many years (I think more than 15 years) and so I doubt those regulations will ever be finished. ICE enforcement priorities and practices in the interior of the country have If your asylum claim is approved at the interview, you will receive the approval decision and the I-94 letter confirming your new Asylum status from USCIS. Lots of factors may have contributed to these divergent trends. latter months of the Trump administration. After you interview at an asylum office, you will not get a decision on the same day. How long should an applicant wait after the interview for a result? shape the observable trends in asylum decisions before the Immigration Courts. That means that success rates had climbed to 47 percent. Hi me too in the same situation..5 months today after my interview in March my statut says application pending I was like me be they are reconsidering my asylum application itself.. but after road what Jason said regarding this, that it really dont mean anything special I keep continuing hoping for the best. Follow-to-Join Overseas Processing Steps. Also, certain new cases (Afghan parolees) can receive priority for an interview. You are using an out of date browser. And it is a form of persecution. When you apply for asylum in the affirmative process with USCIS, you will receive one of the following decisions (for information on the ways to obtain asylum, visit our Obtaining Asylum in the United States page): Close All Open All Grant of Asylum Referral to an Immigration Court Sending Your Application to an Immigration Court Yes, but usually those cases involve a TRIG issues a terrorism-related inadmissibility ground. When it comes to the immigration its no joke so go spend some money and see an attorney! [1] negatively into the Immigration Judge's discretionary decision about whether to approve or deny Ideally, of course, outcome in asylum cases should reflect the strength of an asylum seeker's My question is does that happen usually?and why. resulted in very little change in asylum denial rates during the remaining months of the Trump The more you wait and postpone sending medical exam, the longer time you wait for your final decision. Thank you, Jason, Example 3: Multiple Requests for a Decision, Subject: Request to Expedite Decision Linsk MINYK, A 141-421-356, DOB 04/18/1953, Indonesia, Dear ZAR You probably did not apply as an individual. When I was almost killed, i paid those soldiers lots of money to let me go. Good luck for everyone, Such a great news and congratulations to you The USCIS is supposed to provide you with a decision within 120 days of your naturalization interview. These cases take longer to adjudicate. Till date decision is . 1) Can the Humanitarian parole be adjusted to an asylum after they are admitted into the US in case? Although the asylum decision is appealable in the regular procedure, there are many decisions affecting asylum seekers against which there is no right of appeal: e.g. during this same timeframe? Maybe try some of those ideas, but if all else fails, you can try a mandamus (which is also discussed in that post). 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